You asked, we answered: How can I stop stomach aches from alcohol gastritis?

Acute gastritis can present quickly and be more painful than chronic gastritis and comes with a variety of serious complications. Any of the above irritants can trigger alcohol-related gastritis. The longer a person drinks without addressing alcohol gastritis symptoms, the more likely it can lead to permanent damage to the digestive system.

alcoholic gastritis

Alcohol also irritates the mucous membranes in the stomach; even a single episode of binge drinking can cause inflammation, leading to acute gastritis. Someone who struggles with these two diseases should find medical care that can manage and treat both alcoholic gastritis and alcohol addiction. Treating this as a co-occurring disorder within the same treatment program will increase the success rate of sobriety. If the alcoholic gastritis is not advanced, the symptoms should naturally dissipate when alcohol leaves the system. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, it is important to seek professional treatment advice at an alcohol rehab facility. A professional treatment provider can help you overcome substance abuse and avoid the complications of alcohol addiction, such as alcoholic gastritis.

Those who consume alcohol regularly may only experience minor symptoms for an extended period, because of decreased sensitivity from continued alcohol use. As defined by the National Library of Medicine, gastritis is inflammation of the stomach. Alcohol Gastritis is when that inflammation is caused by alcohol use. This test looks at the inside of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. It uses a thin, lighted tube, called an endoscope.


If you have anemia along with gastritis, you may have fatigue and shortness of breath when you exercise. AAPC member Jenny Lin CPC CANPC began her career 17 years ago as a home healthcare biller. In 2010 she moved into anesthesia billing at Penn Medicine. Five years ago Lin had the opportunity to become … Antacids, proton-pump inhibitors, and H2 blockers are used to normalize the level of stomach acids.

  • SHINER M, DONIACH I. A study of x-ray negative dyspepsia with reference to histologic changes in the gastric mucosa.
  • It was written based on peer-reviewed medical research, reviewed by medical and/or clinical experts, and provides objective information on the disease and treatment of addiction .
  • The transition from social habit to dependence to addiction isn’t always clear.
  • Erosive gastritis is a condition in which the stomach lining is worn away, causing shallow erosions or ulcers.
  • Note that alcoholic gastritis can be a warning sign of alcohol addiction or alcohol use disorder.

Daily drinking can have serious consequences for a person’s health, both in the short- and long-term. Many of the effects of drinking every day can be reversed through early intervention. Typically, alcohol withdrawal symptoms happen for heavier drinkers. Alcohol withdrawal can begin within hours of ending a drinking session. Alcohol detox isn’t easy and not everyone can do it on their own.


When alcohol is consumed, it irritates the stomach lining and can cause inflammation. This damage to the stomach lining can lead to a number of problems, including ulcers, bleeding, and pain. Each individual has different factors contributing to whether acute gastritis will develop into a chronic condition. Working with a doctor is the best way to determine the individualized treatment needed to help the person manage alcoholic gastritis. However, the ability to do so hinges specifically on the person’s ability to stop drinking alcohol. Without removing this main cause, the gastritis is likely to continue even with the most effective medical intervention.

That is why alcohol detox and alcohol withdrawal treatment is administered by medical professionals. Gastritis can become serious, especially if it is chronic and the lining of the stomach has thinned and become damaged. Below, we’ll discuss the basics of gastritis and alcohol, how you can protect your stomach, and how you can help it recover if you’re already experiencing this condition.

Some of these conditions may require surgery to completely resolve, and could present life-threatening risks to the individual. In particular, obstruction or perforation of the stomach are emergency situations that require immediate intervention and can lead to death if not treated. Symptoms related to chronic gastritis may not be addressed, as early as needed, because of the gradual effects. This includes the esophagus , stomach, and duodenum .

The stomach protects itself by secreting bicarbonate, a base that neutralizes stomach acid before it damages the stomach’s lining. It also secretes a thick layer of mucus that acts as a barrier. Finally, blood flow to the stomach and chemicals called prostaglandins help protect the stomach lining. As part of the digestive system, the stomach secretes acid and powerful enzymes to assist in breaking down food and other substances. To protect the rest of the body from these potent compounds, a membrane exists to keep the process within the stomach.

Alcohol can irritate and erode your stomach lining, which makes your stomach more vulnerable to digestive juices. Excessive alcohol use is more likely to cause acute gastritis. Seek medical attention immediately if you have severe pain, if you have vomiting where you cannot hold any food down, or if you feel light-headed or dizzy. Tell your doctor if your stomach discomfort occurs after taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs, especially aspirin or other pain relievers. While is often temporary, repeated exposure to alcohol can lead to the condition becoming chronic.

What are alcoholic gastritis symptoms? What does alcohol gastritis feel like?

We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. Your primary care provider diagnoses gastritis, sometimes after a referral to a GI specialist. If necessary, a biopsy can be performed, where a piece of tissue is taken for testing.

alcoholic gastritis

Acute gastritis is a short-term flare of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This type of alcoholic gastritis is usually caused by a bout of heavy drinking. Nearly everyone has had a bout of indigestion and stomach irritation. Most cases of indigestion are short-lived and don’t require medical care.

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It occurs because long-term alcohol consumption can irritate and erode the stomach lining. When the stomach lining remains inflamed, it is more vulnerable to stomach acid and other inflammatory ingredients in food. Depending on the severity of the disorder, the person addicted to alcohol will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop alcohol consumption. Alcoholic gastritis is a form of gastritis that’s specifically caused by heavy drinking or alcohol abuse. Often, in these cases, the individual may have an alcohol use disorder.

Vertava Health offers 100% confidential substance abuse assessment and treatment placement tailored to your individual needs. Doctors may diagnose eco sober house rating through either a physical exam of the stomach and abdomen or an internal exam through the use of a tool placed in the esophagus. A simple breath test may also be performed, to detect the presence of certain bacteria. They can then detox safely using FDA-approved treatments for alcohol abuse and move on to the next stage of rehabilitation until they are fully recovered.

What are the Effects of Alcohol Induced Gastritis?

Chronic gastritis develops slowly over time, and may not cause any symptoms until stomach ulcers have developed. An investigation of 102 men comprising alcoholics, patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia, and healthy controls is reported. It demonstrates that alcohol is a cause of chronic gastritis and the severity of the mucosal lesion is directly related to the duration of excess drinking. Contrary to popular belief, chronic gastritis does not give rise to symptoms. Left untreated, gastritis may lead to stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding.

What are the symptoms of gastritis?

Gastritis may occur suddenly or appear slowly over time . In some cases, gastritis can lead to ulcers and an increased risk of stomach cancer. For most people, however, gastritis isn’t serious and improves quickly with treatment.